Tuesday, July 26, 2011
That being said, I was just checking my blog reader and saw my daily promise for tomorrow (it gets posted the night before). This is what it said:
"Don't worry. I will take care of you." (from Matthew 6:25-25)
I love it when God speaks loudly and clearly right to me!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Jackson's turn to go to the hospital

Early tomorrow morning, I'm taking Jackson to the Gerry Frank Center for children at St. Vincents to get a CT scan done on his throat. For many weeks his tonsils have been very large. A couple rounds of different antibiotics and steroids did little to decrease the size of them. The Ear, Nose, Throat doctor said it may just be an infection/virus that's resistant to medication and just making it's home in Jackson's tonsils. Or it may be something else. That's why we need the CT scan to hopefully get a better picture of what we're dealing with. If they find something other than infection/virus, he'll most likely have his tonsils removed and biopsied. If it's not, and his tonsils don't get better in the next week or so, he'll most likely have his tonsils removed and biopsied.
I'm a bit nervous about tomorrow because we've decided that Jackson will need to be sedated in order for the CT scan to be successful. I've told him he's going to the hospital and that they need to get pictures of his throat. I explained that he'll have to change into a robe, lay on a bed and they'll help him sleep, then they'll take the pictures they need. He seems just fine with this especially since there will be no "pokes" (needles). There will in fact be an IV, but they'll be able to place it after he's sedated. (Which is other reason we feel like he needs to be sedated. He had to get his blood drawn a few weeks ago to test for mono, and it was not a pleasant experience.) The other thing I'm just a bit nervous about is that he won't get to eat until after they're done. Thankfully, the CT is at 9am (check-in at 7:30), so we won't have to starve him for too long. :)
Please pray for peace for Jackson and his momma and that they'll be able to figure out what's wrong with him.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Woods Family Update
The following is an email we sent out Tuesday evening.
Dear Family and Friends,
Most of you know that we’ve had concerns that Carter has autism. His pediatricians, both in Idaho and Oregon, expressed similar concerns and recommended that he be evaluated. Today we had Carter evaluated by several therapists and doctors at Doernbecher Children’s Hospital and it was determined that Carter has autism. While we weren’t surprised to have this confirmed, it is still a difficult thing to hear.
The doctors were encouraged by some of the skills that Carter has and gave us a lot of hope for his future development. Among these are his fine motor skills like feeding himself with utensils and holding pencils and crayons. It was also encouraging to hear that he is not dealing with many of the things that go along with autism like stomach issues, anger and violence, sleep disorders and seizures.
There are many opportunities available for Carter and us to take advantage of to help him in his speech/ language and social development. We will begin making contacts and setting up appointments in the near future. We will also have some follow up with the professionals at Doernbecher in the next few weeks and months.
We are sending this e-mail so that we can get the news to everyone without having to explain it a million times. ; ) However, we are not resistant or offended if you want to talk about it or have questions. We are not trying to keep this a secret and we are not afraid or ashamed to talk about it. This will be a learning process for all of us. We trust the doctors and therapists and feel that we are in the right place to get Carter the best help possible.
Above everything, we covet your prayers for our family as we begin this new chapter in our lives.
With love,
Eric and Janell
Jackson, Carter and David